Tuesday, September 01, 2009


What constitutes friendship? Well to my 8 year old daughter it would be anyone willing to play with her in the moment. Recently at a BBQ she met up with her "new best friend". She introduced herself and asked if she wanted to be friends, and they were off. They hung out all evening and played everywhere like they had grown up together. The evening ended and they have not met since.

In this shot, they were heading into the deep unknown of the hazel nut orchard, bravely facing (pretend) danger, bow, quiver and arrow in tow with tightly held hands...

Funny, having just gotten back from vacation, I noticed even myself chatting with total strangers, hanging out, walking together, then parting ways with no contact information or future plans. A part of me will always remember them and wonder what they are doing and where they are now... A part remains happy just having said hi in passing.

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