Monday, August 13, 2007

Backyard Visitor

I happened to be going into my kitchen for a drink of water, looked out the window, and this guy was visiting in our tree. I quickly ran for the camera, as I have tried to shoot him over the past 4 years to no avail. He is very very shy, I have only seem him a handful of times, and the second he sees me he is gone.

I feared it was our backyard squirrel he had in his possession, I didn't really have time to scrutinize as I held my lens up to the window pane and shot right through the glass (hence the bit of distortion) He gave me time for 5 rapid shots as he turned around on his perch, took his prize and moved on.

Looking at the image now, I wonder if this is a common sparrow, or one of our pair of beloved wild doves that visit twice daily. Guess we will find out. Any birders out there know exactly what this guy is? My guess would be a female, or juvenile Northern Harrier, but the circle pattern around the eye doesn't seem quite right to me. The long tail would narrow it down a bit I am sure....

I guess I can sacrifice a couple sparrows here and there to have a bird of prey 25 feet off my back window now and again!


Anonymous said...

I am definitely not a bird person, but that bird's a beauty!

Anonymous said...

I could feel your excitement! It's great being able to photograph something like that. But am afraid I can't help you identify the cutie. Nice photo! :)

The Goddess In You

JAM said...

Amazing. Look how he/she blends into the tree.