Monday, July 07, 2008

Off and running

Hello all, as I run through panting...

As you probably know, summer is insanely fun for me. Between jobs shooting and family it is never-ending activity. I am leaving and will be out of the "office" until the end of July to go photograph the "wild things" in the Steens Mts in South Central Oregon. Specifically we are looking for the wild horse herds but of course I will take whatever comes my way. I'm looking forward to a mini work vacation, and will post when I return. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer here as well. I have plenty of bookings left in Aug and September, and hope to see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cyndie
I met you back at the NW Horse Expo in March and have been looking in on your blog since. I really like your work. Love Tessa's Senior pics. I am getting into the equine photography myself. I'm very jealous you are going to the Steens. Good luck finding some wild horses to shoot.

Wingnut said...

Hi Hilary, thanks for your comments! Email me and we can chat! :)